Being pregnant means giving up a whole litany of things like caffeine, good cold medicine, and the ability to sleep all night without a bathroom visit. Being pregnant does not mean that you must give up travel, whether by car or by air. Your baby will never be this easy to care for again, so pack your bags and enjoy that trip.
- Travel during pregnancy is safe for almost all non complicated pregnancies. Even so, inform your doctor of your travel plans just to be on the safe side. Some pregnancy complications like pre-eclampsia, or high blood pressure may make it safer for you to stay close to home.
- Check with your airline to determine their restrictions for pregnant women. Most domestic airlines will allow you to travel up to 36 weeks, while international travel is usually restricted to 35 weeks. Be sure you plan your trip so that your return flight is scheduled before the magic cut- off date. I once returned from England at 34 weeks and five days, just barely squeaking under the requirement.
- Just to be safe, travel with a doctor’s note, so that you can have documentation of your week of gestation. I have never had an airline ask to see my note, but I always had it just in case.
- Choose an airline seat that will provide you with the most comfort. The ideal seat is the first row of the main cabin. Here you will have room to stretch out your legs, and you will not have to walk (waddle) down the center aisle to the back of the plane. You will also be conveniently located next to the restroom, which you likely need more than once.
- Drink plenty of water, even more than normal. Flying and pregnancy are both dehydrating activities. Stay ahead of dehydration by drinking as much as possible and you will not only feel better, but be less likely to develop a dangerous blood clot.
- Blood clots are a concern for all air travelers and even more so for pregnant fliers. If you are drinking enough water, you will probably be getting up to use the restroom every hour. Take that time to walk around the plane and stretch your legs. In between bathroom trips, stretch your legs out in front of you and roll your ankles.
- Morning Sickness (or all day sickness) was a problem for me in my first trimester. With my first pregnancy, I worried that air travel would worsen the problem. With my first flight of my first pregnancy, I flagged down the flight attendant and filled her in on my concerns. She brought some extra airsick bags and then told me that she was also pregnant in her first trimester and afraid she would get sick too. We commiserated and enjoyed talking about being pregnant, and, thankfully, neither one of us got sick.
- Don’t be shy about asking for help lifting your bags into the overhead compartment. The last thing you need is a pulled muscle as you start your vacation
- A big question pregnant women have is about safety at airport security. Metal detectors offer no risk to you or your baby, so you can use them without concern. X-Ray Machines and the infamous backscatter machines are going to emit a small level of radiation to you and your baby. Unfortunately, being pregnant will make you more susceptible to extra screening, so be prepared for that and make your decisions ahead of time. I have very strong opinions about the new security measures, but for now I will keep my opinions to myself. Here are some facts about the radiation and the backscatter. Radiation is all around us and we are exposed to it constantly. The backscatter emits radiation levels that are equivalent to 42 minutes of normal life or 4 minutes in flight. Even though, if you are uncomfortable with the radiation, you can always request another form of advanced security.