Meet Casey. She's our newest contributor and I am so excited to have her voice to add to the chorus of family travel lovers. Casey's list of accomplishments reads like an excerpt from my bucket list: she's been to 47 of the 50 states, visited Burning Man twice, and worked a summer in Denali National Park. By far, her biggest (and most challenging) accomplishment to date is being mom to two little ones who are just 10 months apart. Yep, Irish Twins and she still keeps traveling! That is inspiring and I know she is going to have tons of tips about how to keep travel fun and possible with little ones. Her adventures living in Florida are shared at Hunting for Rubies.
Quick! You’ve got 30 seconds before your toddler dumps your bag all over the airport lounge. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your family.
I live in South Florida with my husband and two children, Hunter and Ruby. Our kids are 10 months apart!!!! We are Disney Season Pass Holders and love Walt Disney World so much that my husband even has a Mickey Mouse Tattoo on his leg (#hiddenmickey). When we are not at Disney, we are exploring Florida’s many museums, beaches, and parks, or taking a roadtrip up the East Coast to visit family and find a new adventure and hidden gem to uncover.
Okay, let’s do some easy questions:
Car or Airplane? Car – With two young kids and all the gear that comes with them, I prefer the flexibility and freedom that a car brings.
Beach or Mountains? Living miles from the beach and in one of the flattest and lowest States in the U.S., I will take any chance to see mountains.
Carry-on or Checked? Oh, I want to be a minimalist, but I always end up packing way too much!
Early bird or Night Owl? Night Owl, for sure!
Museums or Hiking Trails? Hiking Trails – back to those Mountains again!
Now, let’s get serious. What’s your favorite trip you’ve ever taken?
What is one place you are dreaming of visiting?
If you could pick one quote to sum up your feelings about travel, what would it be?
“Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the journey.” – Babs Hoffman
Welcome to the blog! 🙂 Can’t wait to read what you advice you have for traveling.
very nice experience thank you for sharing this with us, happiness is to do what you love and i see you enjoy this , just be happy 🙂