This is a red letter day, my family traveling friends. Finally! FINALLY, an airline seems to understand the unique traveling needs of children, and they are willing to put their money where their mouth is. In an unprecedented move, Scoot airlines has formed the first “grumpy child hater free section” on select flights.
While I feel like this is a victory for all family travelers everywhere, I am giddy at personal benefits for my next flight. Just think! No eye rolls and exasperated sighs when I board the plane with someone less than five feet tall. No grumbles and moans when my kids even think about opening their mouths to speak. Absolutely no disparaging comments about my lack of parenting skills when my baby displays a developmentally appropriate wail at the pain of descending in an aircraft. Never again will I have to fight (and lose) “the kids are people too” battle. Scoot Airlines has fought it for me. They are the first that is willing to say that there is a certain class of people who deserved to be cordoned off in a section so that the rest of us can be protected from their small minded, uncompassionate, me-first drivel.
Scoot Airlines is so serious about this need to champion the family traveler that they are even exacting a tax on those whose actions necessitate that they be separated from the rest of society. To that I offer the long, slow clap and a satisfying nod. And to you, Scoot Airlines, I say thank you, from the bottom of my spit-up stained, overstuffed luggage heart.
I had no idea such an airline existed.