This is a guest post series by my oldest son, who has been inspired by the book 101 Places You Gotta See Before You are 12 by Joanne O'Sullivan to see all 101 places before he is 12 at the end of the year.
Where am I? Cypress Valley Canopy Tours in Spicewood, TX (near Austin).
Why am I Here? I’m here for my most epic birthday ever-my tenth! I have always wanted to feel like I was flying, so I thought ziplining would be a great adventure. But, you had to be ten years old to do it. So, for my tenth birthday I finally qualified.
What’s so cool about it, anyway? Well, just about everything! As I took my first leap onto the thin cable, my heart froze! I was standing five stories above the ground. Then, I felt the harness catch my weight with a big jolt. Then, it was just the wind on my face, my body bursting with joy. I was finally “flying.” There was also a rope bridge that we had to cross, not only forward, but backwards. At the end the day, we got to zipline into a treehouse where we slept a peaceful night in the trees. I later learned that treehouse burned down the next year in a wildfire. Darn.
Well, did you learn anything? Uhh…. I learned that mushrooms grow on trees. I also learned that when you push yourself to try something new, you can do far more than you ever thought.
What should other kids know about visiting? Only one thing to know,really. Plan to stay awhile. (It’s awesome place.)
Rate it on a Scale from 1 to 10: 11
Terumi says
This place looks so cool! What a great guest post. Its crazy that the treehouse burnt down-I wonder if they'll rebuild.
Joanne O'Sullivan says
Awesome! Happy Birthday!
Meagan says
What fun! And you're certainly braver than I am…I've never been ziplining, but it look so scary! 🙂