Weeds. Well, it’s not just the weeds; it’s what the weeds represent. And it’s also the weeds. And the leaky toilet. And the cluttered garage. These are the things that we would normally do on the weekends and during our time off work, except instead we travel. Most of the time, these are things that we can move to the back burner, but when an impenetrable forest threatens to take over your backyard, something has to be done. I’m thinking machete or blowtorch. It’s serious, folks.
Those weeds (and the other tasks they represent) are a living, yard consuming reminder that there is a cost to travel that doesn’t involve dollars and cents. They also offer an answer to question we are often asked in conjunction with our travels- “How do you do it all?”
Easy answer. We don’t. It’s just not possible, and who would really want to do it all anyway? We sacrifice the things that don’t really matter to us, for the things that we want the most.
The weeds still seem to bother some people, though. They just can’t wrap their mind around how we can let those typical tasks get left behind. “Don’t you have a ‘to do’ list?” is a typical question.
Easy answer again. We do. Our ‘to do’ list just doesn’t have the standard bullet points. Instead, it lists things like dip our toes in all the oceans of the world and see the seven wonders and make precious memories with our kids. With a list like that, weeds just can’t compete.
walkingon travels says
I am so glad I am not the only one with a yard full of weeds. There are so many more exciting things to on the weekends than attack the forest of dandelions that, let's be honest, will never go away no matter how much I weed 🙂
Lesli Peterson says
Love it when families know how to prioritize! Sure, you eventually some things eventually have to get done (you're going to have to USE that toilet at some point). But the weeds will always be there, even when the kids aren't. Love your blog!
Lisa says
I agree there are far more important things than having a tidy yard. I choose to embrace the weeds – Emma gets very excited in the spring when our dandelion flowers start to pop up all over the lawn! 🙂