Even the most obscure corner of the globe can find some claim to fame. Progreso, Mexico, although not an overly impressive port, does have the honor of hosting the world’s longest pier. Progreso sits on a limestone shelf that slopes out to sea at an amazingly slight grade. As a result, the pier that serves arriving cruise ships is four miles long. Definitely not a pier you would want to stroll along, though. A ten minute bus ride is your best ticket into town.
[…] only thing Progreso really had going for it (other than the world’s longest pier) is that it was near enough to Chichen Itza to plan an excursion. Although I was […]
I looks so pretty in these pics – who would have ever thought I'd call a pier "pretty"?
4 miles!?! Wow – you could work off breakfast if you walked from the ship to shore!
Wow that is crazy, 4 miles long! Seems only a bit too long perhaps. I wonder what the 2nd longest is.
The water looks lovely to swim in too. It's probably yucky though if it's a port.
That's a really good looking pier! They should do something with it though, Would it be wide enough to host a farmers market or anything like that? Or is it all paved for street traffic?
Four miles … wow! It looks beautiful though. All those arches and the bright blue water. I think I'd be tempted to walk it just to enjoy the scenary. Then I'd probably come to my senses and take the bus back!
When I think of a pier, I think of the ones with cafes and shops and gaming halls all along. Surprised this one is so bare. The limestone does look pretty against the green ocean and the blue sky, though.
Their adorable comfy bird faces are somewhat some sort of
trademark that can conquer all of the hungry green pigs.
Once again Jane has smoked you on the Angry Birds Friends weekly
tournament. properly, you will have to ask the ten million people who have downloaded the game, four million of those
people paid 99 cents for it.
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