Is it possible for your accommodations to be totally rustic and yet completely luxurious? If it is a Feather Down Farm Tent, that is the perfect description. Feather Down Farm Tents are at the heart of the farm stay experience offered by Feather Down Farm Days, giving families a chance to reconnect to nature and immerse themselves in life on the farm. The design of each safari-style luxury tent is the beginning of connecting your family to the land. Every inch of the 484 square feet is designed for maximum comfort while giving you a feeling of the simplistic atmosphere of times gone by.
The Tent
Your home on the farm is made of thick protective canvas that keeps the warmth inside while it lets in the sounds of the outdoors as you and the world awaken together. Unlike tent camping, you will enjoy a raised, wood planked floor to keep your tootsies dry and toasty warm. You can’t help but feel cozy as you cocoon in your rustic retreat and the surroundings help you reset your soul to a slower pace. The slower pace will help you fall into the natural ebb and flow rhythm of a day on the farm.
What’s included…and what’s not
Everything you need to feel right at home is included, including beds for six guests and a fully stocked kitchen. There is no need to bring anything from home to set up house. You will notice a few things that are missing from your typical dwelling-including hot water, and electricity. Cold water is available from the hand pump in the kitchen and lighting comes from the warm glow of the candles and lanterns. Don’t worry though, hot showers are located just a few steps away in the bathhouse and the lack of electricity is one of the most charming amenities in the tent. Imagine drifting off to sleep as the candles burn down in their holders or the cozy feeling of gathering around with your family to read by the light of a single lamp.
Heating things up and Keeping them Cool
A wood burning fire stands at the center of the tent as a keen reminder that the hearth fire was at the heart of the early homes. Wood and kindling along with fire starters are provided for your stay. It can take some trial and error, but imagine your satisfaction when you get the fire burning and see the smoke climbing out the chimney on the top of the tent. Heat for warming your tent and cooking your food is now ready for your use. There are no knobs on the stove; instead cooking temperature is adjusted by moving your pan from the middle to the outside of the stove. A cooling box is also provided in the corner of your tent. Just add ice packs from the Honesty Shop and your food will stay nice and cool.
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
Beds to accommodate six guests-five adults and one child-are cozily prepared in your tent. The master bedroom contains a double bed with plush feather down comforters. A bunkhouse provides two more well appointed beds. A perfect place to sleep and dream has been crafted just for kids- the cupboard bed. Doors that open into the kitchen and the master bedroom can be closed tight after little ones are tucked in to seal in the warmth and give them a snug place to call their own. Just expect that they will want to peek out the heart shaped hole as they are falling asleep. It’s irresistible.
Waking up In a Whole New World
The sounds of nature will be your alarm clock, as you naturally awake with the rising sun. There are things to be done, but nothing like the rush to get ready and out the door of home. Your morning will begin with the stoking of the fire and the rolling up of your tent front to let in the fresh air and gorgeous views. Soon, you’ll be longing for breakfast, so it’s off to the chicken coop to gather the freshest eggs you’ll likely ever eat and then a stop and the Honesty Shop to gather the rest of your breakfast needs. The morning centers around gathering at the fire and then gathering at the table to enjoy a meal prepared in together in an unhurried and simple environment. This starts the pace of the day, a day where you will find plenty of moments to draw together in surroundings that have no deadlines.
~This post is a part of Friday Daydreamin' at R We There Yet Mom? and Photo Friday at Delicious Baby~
Oh my goodness- this place is so cool – jotting down a quick coment before I am off to see where this is…..
Thanks for linking up! I hope you have a super weekend!
If I were ever to do any sort of camping it would have to be in a tent like that – it looks amazing!
This is my kind of rustic camping, since my tent days are over.
Muwahahahaha! This is the perfect vacation to threaten my kids with. No hot water and no electricity! Almost worth it for those cute kids beds though. I doubt my girls would ever climb out of there.
I'm a little confused about one thing though. You suggest that the family could finish the night reading together around a single lamp. If there's no electricity, how do you keep the Kindle going? 🙂
I can see how this wouldn't be everyone's idea of a vacation, but I would LOVE it. Soooo rustic and simple. I wish I could've experienced it with my kids when they were younger – as teenagers now they would probably roll their eyes and hate it.
I love getting away to camping and nature occasionally. Glad to know there is still hot water nearby! That is always tough about camping, losing electricity for a while is often quite a good thing I find.
I am not a camper but this looks like something my husband and son would just adore!
Wow, that's my kind of tent! I love the fact that it looks so unassuming from the outside and then on the inside it's amazing! I'm not a fan of camping but I think I could do this. Looks like a great experience I'm sure your kids loved it.
This sounds like so much fun!