There is no question that packing for a family is a challenge. But, it's not deciding what to bring or making sure each bag is underweight that is the biggest dilemma. The biggest challenging is finding something for all of them to do, so I can have a couple of hours of concentrated effort.
Oh, they all have ideas about how they can help. One wants to bring in piles of clothes that include 14 shirts and not one pair of underwear. Another thinks that packing time is the perfect time to retell his life story using as many adjectives as possible. And then there is the one who sees no reason to fill the suitcases with clothes when they make such a perfect place to sit and play.
Finally, I get desperate enough to plead that they find something, anything to do as long as they are not in my packing zone. This kind of carte blanche freedom is what active little boys live for. In the rare moment when they find mom in a frenzy of packing weakness, they take full advantage of the situation and take up a little downstairs mattress surfing. Big time fun, no doubt. Best of all, no one was hurt and the packing got done. Sounds like a win-win to me.
This post is a part of Photo Friday at Delicious Baby.
walkingontravels says
Ha ha ha ha!!! Well, can't say I'll be able to sympathize since we don't have stairs, but I will say I'd have joined in with them. I always have to empty the boy's drawers, throw it on my bed and then pack after he is asleep. Which means I am EXHAUSTED by the time we are done. Of course it is always the night before we leave.
Becca@R We There Yet Mom? says
I Love it!! Are you guys headed on a big trip???
Sonja says
Mattress surfing looks a little dangerous to me . . . but that's exactly the answer for boys!
Lisa says
Saw the happy boys and thought “Hmm – packing has never been that much fun at my house”!
Preparing For Takeoff says
That's a creative idea! Gets them into the spirit of adventure– maybe to Hawaii?
Julie S. says
Great pictures! I am from Mingle Monday and now follow you on Google!
Karen Greenberg says
I have to be honest- that looks like a load of fun! I don't blame the boys at all for their choice of activity.
Tonia @TheChattyMomma says
Hey, Just found your blog through the Mingle Monday Blog Hop. I dread ever moving again. I don't want to pack anything EVER again!
Working Mommy says
so many distractions…but how can you get mad at those little faces?!