This weekend, we'll be laying our heads in a luxury tent on Kinnikinnick Farm in Caledonia, Illinois, a working farm that welcomes guests to unplug and dig into farm life and leisure. In the morning our only alarm clock will be the sounds of the awakening farm. The kids will help with the morning farm chores of gathering the eggs and milking the goats and then we will use those gatherings to make our rustic campfire breakfast. The rest of the day will be spent conquering the hay mountain, fording the farm's stream, and building forts near the farm's giant sandbox. As the day draws to an end, we will all have a hand in harvesting our dinner ingredients as we learn for sure that food doesn't grow in the supermarket. We'll all have a part in bringing our slow food dinner to the table, as the farm pace languishes and nighttime settles over our tent.
Lately, the mister and I have been playing way too much tag-you're- it with hauling kids from one end of town to the other in rush hour traffic while eating dinner from a greasy paper bag. We are finally unraveling ourselves from the rush, rush, rush of laundry and emails and deadlines and packed calendars. This weekend we are going to unplug in every sense of the word. Feather Down Farms accommodations are lit with candles and lanterns and water is actually hand pumped. There is not a clock or a calendar in sight, but there is plenty of roasting marshmallows, reading stories by candlelight, and strolling along country vistas. Sounds like the perfect cure for the common suburban curse.
Check out Delicious Baby for more great photos from around the world.
~Photo Courtesy of Feather Down Farm Days~
Lisa says
Wow! It sounds incredible! I can't wait to see if you post photos from the experience! What a wonderful respite it would be from the suburban madness we live in.
Have a great time!
Many blessings,
Judy Haughton-James says
This looks like a wonderful place to be! Have a whale of a time!
Lisa says
Sounds like it’s exactly what you need – have an amazing time!!
Tracy says
Sounds like a wonderful place to spend time with your family. I think we need to do something like that, if only to unplug from online distractions for a while. I find it funny how a week of hard work on a farm is more relaxing than dragging your kids town … but having done the dragging the kids around thing as well I think it really will be. Have a great week!
Liz @ Designing Domesticity says
This looks amazing! Can't wait to see your review. Sent it along to my hubby and we definitely want to go – perhaps next year as I am now 8 months pregnant and probably won't work for me right now! liz
Sonja says
OMG that sounds so awesome, and educational for the kids. I don't know of any place like that around here, but would love to find one. Enjoy!
Nicole at Arrows Sent Forth says
I can't wait to hear about this experience. I'd love to add it to our midwestern travel bucket list! Have fun… hope it's just what your family needs!