I wish I could tell you that there is some deep philosophical reason for what you are about to read, but there just isn’t. I suppose we could try to say it was existential exploration into unknown opportunities, or some other such silliness, but the truth is we did it because it seemed like a challenge and we thought it would be fun.
First of all, let me give a little introduction to the Veggie Tales for those of you who live a produce free zone. Veggie Tales is product of Big Ideas publications that features human like vegetables that teach moral lessons for kids with hilarious references to pop culture that are entertaining for grownups. My kids have and are growing up with Veggie Tales and they are just as enjoyable for me as they are for them. I mean, a cucumber that gives up his beloved brush to the peach because he has no hair? That is solid gold entertainment, my friends.
So the story goes that we were planning for a trip next year and we were discussing the prospect of traveling to Boston in the fall. (You die hard Veggie fans know exactly where this is going.) That led to the singing of the song “The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything.” Then, one of the kids piped up that it would be fun to try to do all the things that the pirates don’t do in the song. And so we did. Without further ado, here are the top ten things that we did that the Pirates didn’t do.
1. Hoist the main sail.
2. Swab the poop deck
3. Veered to Starboard
4. Owned a Parrot
5. Walk the gangplank
6. Throw mashed potatoes up against the wall
7. Licked a spark plug
8. Sniffed a stick bug
9. Painted daisies on a big red rubber ball
10. Bathe in yogurt
We have plans to continue to check things off the pirates list. Tampa, Denver, and St Louis are all on the travel list for the upcoming year. Although I can assure you that we will make every effort to NOT get head lice, and I can make no guarantees about how good we will look in leggings. But of course, we will be traveling to Boston in the fall.
We had so much fun with our adventure that we want to spread the Veggie Tales love, so we are giving away a huge Veggie Tales Movie Prize Package. Package Includes: Newest Veggie Tales Release: Princess and the Pop Star, Veggie Tales LIVE: Sing Yourself Silly, and Tomato Sawyer and Huckleberry Larry’s Big River Rescue.
How to Enter: There are four ways to enter to win this great prize package. Enter as many ways as you would like to increase your chances of winning. Just be sure to come back here and leave me a comment to let me know how you have entered.
- Sign up for an email subscription for Suitcases and Sippy Cups
- Like Suitcases and Sippy Cups on Facebook
- Follow Suitcases and Sippy Cups on Twitter
- Post this giveaway on your Facebook or Twitter page
Winner: One winner will be chosen randomly and announced here on August 13, 2011
A big thank you to Black Dragon Cruises for allowing us to sail with them and indulging our odd requests in this little pursuit.
Amber says
We love Veggie Tales in this home as well! Loved this post. Looks like you all are having some great adventures…enjoy Boston in the fall!
Angie @ Many Little Blessings says
LOL — that was really cute! Of course, now I’m going to have that song in my head.
Katy Lin says
this is AWESOME!!! can’t wait to see the rest of the list! (although I would skip the head lice one if I were you ;D)
Katy Lin says
I’m following you on Twitter as katylinvw
Katy Lin says
I tweeted your giveaway here: http://twitter.com/#!/katylinvw/status/98305191656431616
Katy Lin says
I “Like” you – I mean, I really do like you, but now it’s official because I “Like”d you on Facebook 🙂
Barbara says
I have not heard of veggie tales but that looks like fun! I think any little boy would love to throw mashed potatoes against the wall!
Dawn @ Guiding Light says
What a great post! How fun! I am now following you (would appreciate you following me back). Would love to win this so off to do some of the things needed…
Dawn @ Guiding Light says
I now follow via FB
Dawn @ Guiding Light says
I shared on FB
oh amanda says
This may be the single greatest post of all times. I am in love with your boys. LICKING SPARKPLUGS is fantastic.
Dianna Kennedy says
I’m not a Veggie Tales fan, but I want to know where that Pirate Cruise is!! That looks like a ball!
Deb says
Great post!!! I’m your newest follower:)
Deb @ Focused on the Magic
Beth says
How super fun! We all love veggie tales around here, even my college aged daughter watches when she is home and looks forward to new releases. We are now signed up vie email for your blog posts :0)
Beth says
We like you on facebook :0)
Beth says
We are following you on twitter :0)
Beth says
I posted about your giveaway on facebook :0)
Good Girl Gone Green says
That is so cute!! I love the picture missing for #10..,.lol
Jenilyn says
Great Pictures! New follower from the Hop! Come visit me at http://www.gritsandgiggles.blogspot.com !
ICStarzz says
haha this was a super cute post! I love the pictures! 🙂
TaMara says
I’m going to have that song in my head all day! I have now subscribed via email to your blog.
TaMara says
I Like you on FB!
Melissa says
new follower from blog hop would love a follow back http://adventuresfrugalmom.blogspot.com
mamak says
LIke you on FB! :)D
Kindertravels says
Love your blog! I’m also a traveler…have a new post about Texas up! New follower from the Tuesday hop via GFC…would love a follow back at http://www.kindertravels.net!
Lisa Goodmurphy says
Love it!! You are such a good mom not to put the embarrassing photo in! 🙂
jubilee says
Loved your list. My kids think they are “too big” for Veggie Tales, but when I sit down to watch it – they are glued to the screen! Thanks for the visit and comment on my blog earlier today! Much appreciated!
Becca@R We There Yet Mom? says
LOVE VeggieTales!!!!
You have such fun with your family!
Signing up for email subscriptions.
Becca@R We There Yet Mom? says
Already Likeing you on FaceBook!
Becca@R We There Yet Mom? says
Already following on Twitter!
Becca@R We There Yet Mom? says
Posting about this on Twitter!
Jen says
My kids love the Veggie Tales! My daughter got a sneak peak of the Princess one last week during her summer camp. It has been all she can talk about!
Ruthie J. says
New follower from blog hop. I “liked” you on FB. What a fun post to read and I loved the pictures. My kids have always liked Veggie Tales & this would be an awesome giveaway to win. Thanks for the chance!
Ruthie J.
Ruthie J. says
Following you on twitter.
Ruthie J.
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